Saturday, November 8, 2008

Weekend Event 8 to 10 Nov 08

** NOTE the new timings. **

This weekend's event:
8 to 10 November UTC 0800/SGT 1600 (Server time: 8 Nov 00:00H)
- Bonus 3 AP/hour regen.
- Travel Fair (Reduced travel cost between ports)
- ???

8 to 10 November UTC 1500/SGT 2300 (Server time: 8 Nov 07:00H)
- Clan Fort salvage reduced to 5 hours.
- Clan Fortress repairs disabled.
- Clan Fort HP doubled.

Starting at 8 November UTC 1500
- ALL fortresses will be brought down before the event start.
- 1 x Clan fortress from each Tier will be auto-salvaged every 15 mins. Salvage timing is randomized.
You can check the timing from this link:
** NOTE the new timings. **
Discuss with other players in the official forum thread here

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